Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Harry Potter Under Attack...AGAIN

Another day, another effort to ban Harry Potter from school:

ATLANTA - A suburban county that sparked a public outcry when its libraries temporarily eliminated funding for Spanish-language fiction is now being asked to ban Harry Potter books from its schools.

Laura Mallory, a mother of four, told a hearing officer for the Gwinnett County Board of Education on Tuesday that the popular fiction series is an "evil" attempt to indoctrinate children in the Wicca religion.

Board of Education attorney Victoria Sweeny said that if schools were to remove all books containing reference to witches, they would have to ban "Macbeth" and "Cinderella."
A personal note. In my experience, the debate over banned books is often ignored by a lot of people, because they haven't read the book or books in question. But I've found that things get a whole lot more interesting when the book in question is, say, a person's favorite book of all time, the one that changed his or her life.

For a lot of people, the Harry Potter series are just such books. Expect fireworks.


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