Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Culture Wars Hit the "Romance" Genre

Here's an interesting/depressing article on a current debate raging in the Romance Writers of America: whether or not to try to limit the genre (and membership in the organization) to writers of books who feature only opposite-sex, not same-sex romance.

My opinion is that apparently some folks have no idea what love, and romance, is really all about. Incredibly, some of these people are actually writing romance. I suggest they check out some of the fantastic same-sex romance books written by AS IF! members Chris Tebbetts, David Levithan, Ellen Wittlinger, and Leslea Newman (among others!).

The really good news is that apparently the pro-tolerance forces (who include Nora Roberts, quoted in the article) way outnumber the pro-bigotry ones, and they're winning this fight.


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